Monday, January 19, 2009

All Good News

The tests on the Thyroid came back negative. Tina had to have a mammogram redone this last week and it came back negative. The stitches have been removed and all that remains is a lump above the scar. The doctor says that it is lymph fluid and that the lymph system has to reroute itself and then the lump will disappear.

Thanks for all your prayers and concern.


Unknown said...

I'm So Glad That The Test Came Back Negative. Hope everthing else is going good

JENNE said...

Tina may be related to the daytons. Rog's Mom had the same thing. I am sure Tina is feeling much better now. We are so thrilled you have a happy ending.

hanna (kmcaldwell) said...

THAT IS GREAT NEWS!!!!!! we will continue to keep u in our prayers. ^_^

Olivia said...

Glad to know that things are going ok. How's your dad doing Tina? Its a lot to bite off at a time and I am sure it is all over whelming just know we love you