Saturday, May 10, 2008

Bad news

I have bad news Erica was hiking with a bunch of boys and she was almost to the top whenshe fell from a 8 ft drop and landed in mud but no bones where broken cause she fell on her feet and then fell backwards and she is black and blue!


BellyBoatBum said...

Isn't this the one that broke her arm? No wait, it is the other one. I guess they just take after their mom, but she only liked to fall 3 feet or so.

Fall before last Ty was out bouldering and took about a 8 footer onto a v-shaped rock. Let's just say that he didn't boulder the rest of that fall. And do you think he learned his lesson? No, the next spring he is out bouldering in poison ivy. After about 3 months of intense itching and a couple of visits to the doctor (which basically said, I bet that itches), he remembers what poison ivy looks like.

chocolatepig said...

The questions I have are 1)were there wany handsome young men to help her get down the hill? 2)Did she kiss the guys that did help her down? and 3)did she get any dates out of it?
Just Curious if it was a productive fall, or just a blonde moment.