Tuesday, July 24, 2007

I was perusing my email and came across an article about the Hill Cumorah Pageant. I was happy to see David Morgan was working on it and had shaved his beard for the new media appearances. Here is the link to the article.


Update on news down here. Dad, Keith, Tim, Aaron, Lehi, Rubon, Brett, Justin and myself went to a Diamond Backs game on the 13th and Aaron caught two free t-shirts that they were throwing out into the crowd. Diamond Backs won. We were up early the next morning and had the baptism services for Bethany and Macy. I have been very busy with the normal things is life. My wife and kids are completely submersed into the seventh book and will probably finish it this week. I took Justin to a midnight launch party at Deseret Book and he won some treats in a trivia game and I won a door prize. Then we stayed up until 2AM reading together. Keep in touch.

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